Autodeal Verified Seller ID Program
We created the Autodeal verified process to build trust in our community

Verified Badge
The verified Seller badge indicates a level of trust in the seller. By completing all the verifications as a private seller and dealer the verified badge will be indicated on their car listing. Buyers look for the verified badge, when looking to buy a car on the AutoDeal market place, but this is not an endorsement or guarantee of someones identity.
How verified ID works for a Private Seller
Goverment ID & Profile Image
Upload a government ID (Will never be shown on the public side of and upload a profile image of yourself on AutoDeal.
Connect your Facebook profile to AutoDeal, another metric we use to help identify the seller is genuine and is who they say they are.
We verify every sellers email upon setting up their account on AutoDeal.
Phone Number
We verify seller phone numbers by sending out SMS verification codes.
How verified ID works for a Dealer Seller
Business Permit
AutoDeal requires trade sellers to upload a copy of their business permit to verify they are legally able to conduct business in the Philippines.
We verify every sellers email upon setting up their account on AutoDeal.
Phone Number
We verify seller phone numbers by sending out SMS verification codes.
We have a number of seller transparency features from images, service history records to a LTO background checks on vehicles. These transparency features are designed to bring trust and honesty to the AutoDeal platform, improving the experience for the seller and buyer.
Sellers are required to add at least 5 images of the exterior and interior of the car been sold.
Wear & Tear
Sellers are encouraged to add wear and tear images to be transparent about any defaults on the car.
Service Records
Sellers are asked to disclose if they have a history of service records for the vehicle been sold.
Sellers are asked to disclose if there is still warranty available, and what duration is left.
LTO Check
A background check on the car is conducted by submitting the registration number to the LTO database.
Privacy and Encryption
We take privacy seriously. The information you provide during this process is governed by our Privacy Policy. We won't share the government ID or personal details you provide during Verified ID with potential car buyers, they'll only know that you’ve successfully completed the process. And we’ll never post to your Facebook, LinkedIn, or other connected accounts without your permission.