I finally understand why the Nissan Patrol is Number 1 in the deserts of Dubai

It’s been a while since I’ve written a story. Busy from all of Caco antics on video and seeing things through the lens of my camera, there is one particular experience that motivated me to pick up the pen (or get on the keyboard, rather) and start writing again. No, it’s not some fancy sportscar or supercar that got me back in my chair, but a well-loved nameplate that you wouldn’t expect. 

My friends and I recently took a trip to Dubai to see the sights and hear the sounds of one of the most excessive cities in the world, and it all started with a rental car. 

Mercedes Benz V-Class

My friends and I usually rent cars while we’re abroad, and this time we carpooled. We were supposed to get a Hyundai Staria. Based on how our time with that car went, it was a bit of a no-brainer, seeing as we were 7 people in the car plus luggage for a week. 

However, it was rather unfortunate that the rental service we booked did not have the car parked in its garage. To make it up to us, they gave us an “upgrade,” and I use quotes here because it was a Mercedes V-Class. Now you may be wondering, “Earl, isn’t that an upgrade? The V-Class is bigger and it’s a Mercedes!” 


At first, we were all happy to receive the Mercedes, but after a bit of a tour, we figured that it’s a bit so-so. I don’t think it’s totally the car’s fault, but it did have over 50,000 kilometers on it. While the engine was fine and the stereo wasn’t blown to bits, but the air conditioning wasn’t doing anything no matter what we did. 

On the way from the airport, we decided to drop off our bags at the hotel then made our way back to the rental service to hopefully get a replacement. On the way there, we noticed that the brakes were quite weak as well, so we also filed that complaint at the desk. 

Ford Expedition

Thankfully, the rental service was kind enough to replace our car. When asked what we would like, we opted for the Nissan Patrol. Unfortunately, the model is a step above our current level and it was unavailable. So, we ended up with a Ford Expedition

A discontinued model in the Philippines, this facelifted version made me remember all the good times I had with that full-size American SUV. Hopping into the seat of the Expedition for the first time was like a trip down memory lane but better. All was well and good thanks to the big infotainment screen and the rumble of the EcoBoost engine—plus the air conditioning system actually worked! 

Wait, where’s the Patrol in this? 

The Expedition was a good car while we had it. It was roomy, it had tons of space for luggage, and it was powerful enough to get us overtaking with ease. It remained a consistent performer throughout our trip and it was definitely an upgrade over the V-Class. 

But this is a story of the Nissan Patrol! Where is it?

Latif's Nissan Patrol complete with aftermarket wheels

Well, here it is: Our Patrol Dubai experience didn’t come about because the Ford broke down in the middle of the desert and we got a final upgrade from the rental service. The Expedition was with us to the end, mind you. So hold those Ford jokes in, please! 

The actual Patrol experience happened to come about during a desert safari tour. Our driver, Latif (forgive me if your name is spelled wrong, brother—if you ever see this), was booked by the travel agency to bring us to the sand dunes. We actually had a choice between a Toyota Land Cruiser 300 and a Nissan Patrol. Of course, we wanted the authentic Dubai experience so we opted for the Patrol. Without hesitation, we hopped into Latif’s Patrol, specced out with wheels and even a roll cage. 

We had to travel to the desert for this one. On the outskirts of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, we all loaded up into the Nissan Patrol and the first thing that we noticed was the air conditioning. You know that local legend about Nissan A/C being extremely competent? Well, this was no different. Even under the desert sun, it was ice cold inside the Patrol. On top of that, trip on the highway was bliss thanks to the Patrol’s world-class suspension, featuring Hydraulic Body Motion Control (HBMC). I lauded the previous generations of the Patrol for this technology and I will continue to do so because after we turned off the highway… 

Nissan Patrol on the sand dunes

… We eventually reached the desert. We only needed to do a quick pit stop before anything else, and no, this did not include putting on another set of tires or swapping over into a dune buggy. In fact, all our driver had to do was air out his tires down to about 15 psi, and we were ready to go. The feat was made even more impressive because we were on highway terrain tires.  

Not once did we get stuck even as we were fully loaded. It was essentially effortless thanks to the 4x4 system. However, two things really stood out to us: the fact that our cabin was cool and we were all comfortable. I can’t tell you exactly how gnarly the safari was, but let’s just say there were a lot of dips and off-camber turns. I’ll let the photos speak louder on this one. 

Impressed we were and our ear-to-ear smiles said it all. Once the tour was done, we headed back to our hotel. The trip didn’t take long since most of us fell asleep inside the car one at a time. We were able to make delightful conversations with our driver, asking him about the car and why he chose to go with the Patrol. 

Nissan Patrol in the city

The V8 engine is tried-and-tested. Fueling is not really an issue here as prices in the UAE are triggering-ly low. I’m talking in the ballpark of about P40 pesos per liter which was enough to make all of us jealous. Imagine paying half the price for your full tank of gas in the Philippines. No wonder they’re good with big cars over there.

Air conditioning is good, habibi! That is the case, and that’s honestly one of the most impressive parts of the car. There is no doubt that Dubai is a hot city. Temperatures often reach 40 degrees celsius and every single building in Dubai is climate controlled. For the Patrol to remain cool in the midst of high temperatures, that’s a total win because at least for us, the other cars we’ve been in didn’t have a great showing. 

With a strong air conditioning, good reliability, and a ride that is incredibly comfortable for what it is, the Nissan Patrol earned its reputation as the number one luxury SUV in the UAE. Never mind that the street is littered with Benzes, BMWs, sportscars, and even the occasional Rolls, the Nissan Patrol is a common sight on Emirati roads and an enduring icon that thrives even in arid climates. If we ever find ourselves in the desert again, we’ll be sure to rent a Nissan Patrol. It’s only fitting, right? Driving in Dubai and Abu Dhabi in one of the region’s hero cars. 

It only took a day for us to understand why the Nissan Patrol was a perfect car for the desert and that’s a big statement in my book. Now, all there is to do is wait until the latest model comes to the Philippines. Nissan, please bring us to the desert. Show us what the Patrol can do in its natural habitat. 

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