Silvia S13

In recent years, car manufacturers have been on a streak with reviving famous nameplates from their catalogs. The first one you may remember is the Eclipse Cross from Mitsubishi while the most recent example is the Capri from Ford

Over at Nissan, a nameplate revival could be on the horizon and it involves the much-loved Nissan Silvia. Also, this isn’t just some rumor floating around on the internet, Nissan’s VP of global product strategy, Ivan Espinosa, stated the possibility of a Silvia revival in an interview with automotive publication Top Gear.

When asked about the possibility of Nissan introducing a cheap sports car for younger customers, Mr. Espinosa suggested that the model could potentially be a new Silvia. While he acknowledged this as a "far-fetched idea," he believed it had the potential to become a popular addition to the brand’s sports car lineup.

Nissan Silvia S13 Rear

“A far-fetched idea would be something like a new Silvia positioned beneath the GT-R, offering enough power at the right price to attract customers,” he told Top Gear, further adding, “There’s a lot of Silvia fans everywhere. As soon as I say the name, people start nodding. This is my dream.”

Though the thought of a new Silvia would have many car enthusiasts like us clamoring, the fact that hinders most manufacturers from producing sports cars is that it doesn’t appeal to a wider market. Espinosa stated that the only way a new Silvia could materialize is if it becomes a global product produced in larger volumes to justify the investment.

Silvia S15

To provide a bit of background, the Silvia served as the brand’s affordable, rear-wheel drive sports car in the late 1980s and 1990s. The Silvia was a popular option for buyers who wanted to drive a sporty car without having to shell out a ton of cash to get into the more powerful 300ZX and the hardcore Skyline GT-R. 

Silvia S15 Rear

Nothing is set in stone for now, but, we hope that if the Silvia revival pushes through, we’ll get an affordable sports car that’s also fun to drive. Fingers crossed.

If you want to check Nissan’s currently available vehicles in the country, you can head on over to the Nissan Car Guide on AutoDeal. Browse Nissan’s lineup of vehicles in the comfort of your home and connect with sales agents in minutes by hitting the “Get Quote” button. 

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