Over the last year, AutoDeal has connected approximately 15,000 individuals with car dealerships across the Philippines. On a day-to-day basis our teams are uncovering a minimum of P5,000,000 worth of car sales on everything from entry level hatchbacks to premium level sedans and SUVs. No matter what the value of the car, all of these customers have one thing in common: they researched their vehicle, found the best offer, and connected with their dealer via AutoDeal.
"It's my first time to purchase a car and I find it hard to visit showrooms because of my busy work schedule. I discovered AutoDeal.com.ph on my mobile phone while on my way to work.
Autodeal.com.ph is super informative it has every important detail to help you decide on which car to get. I received calls from several dealers offering the most affordable packages. I got my dream car 6 days after sending an inquiry. Informative. Fast. Efficient."
- James Owen Rupita, purchased a Honda Brio S AT from Honda Fairview in March 2015.
Since our formation in April 2014, we’ve constantly strived to enhance our technology and services to support an industry that is undergoing exciting growth. It’s an ongoing challenge to enhance our product so that it can benefit all parties involved in a car purchase; whether it be the buyer, the sales agent, dealership, or manufacturer/importer. Our first step in bringing us closer to buyer-seller harmony is through the recently-launched AutoDeal Performance Dashboard.
The Performance Dashboard has been tailor made to assist dealership groups, importers, and manufacturers to better manage their data. In the process, it helps them realize what value AutoDeal gives to their business. Listed below are five interesting things that our clients can now uncover in the Performance Dashboard to better understand their customers and improve shop floor efficiency.
1. Review Daily Data
Building a new product and a new way of thinking about digital marketing isn’t an easy task. We knew from the get-go that we wanted transparency to be a major cornerstone in our relationship with clients. With the AutoDeal Performance Dashboard, there’s now nowhere to hide as all of our data is in plain sight as soon as our clients log-in.
Marketers and advertisers can now see on a day-to-day basis the number of customer interactions and review the volume of sales leads being distributed to different dealers. Our platform offers so much data that they can drill down which kinds of vehicles and promotions are generating the most interest.
2. Discover Customer Needs
The disconnect between brands and customers can have a derogatory affect on any company selling a consumer-faced product, automobiles being no exception. With the Performance Dashboard, marketers and product planners can review the types of questions being asked by prospective customers without the need to conduct lengthy marketing surveys.
3. Evaluate Market Penetration
Many multi-dealer car importers or multi-branded dealership groups often have to manage marketing across a broad geographic location. With the lead heat map in the Performance Dashboard, marketers can now uncover market penetration data to understand which areas they’re dominating and which regions need more focused attention.
4. Understand User Behavior
The Performance Dashboard does not only show how many sales referrals or pageviews a client is accumulating, it also let’s them know what kind of device they’re using to connect with their dealers, whether that be through mobile, desktop, or tablet.
5. Compare Campaigns & Products
Quarterly sales figures provide the best indication of how the market is reacting to specific vehicles. With the AutoDeal Performance Dashboard you can review daily data to help evaluate real-time levels of interest. You can also use the Performance Dashboard to compare results of different promotional campaigns as a means to help you develop even more attractive offers in the future.